Author: Thomas Adams

What Not to Store in Your Unit and Why

Why Do Self Storage Restrictions Exist? Some people might argue that as long they keep paying for a storage unit, that rented space becomes their own rented space, and therefore they can store in it anything they wish. Needless to say, that argument is rather weak simply because those people tend to forget something that…

Apartment Move Out Checklist

You never truly realize how much stuff you have until you move out. Items that you forgot existed will surface from the daunting depths of your dresser. You’ll find that missing shoe under your bed, and if you’re smart you won’t lift up your couch cushions. Most people are surprised at all of the things…

Staying Awhile? Prep Your Items For A Long Term Stay

Here’s the thing about storage- many people stay a lot longer than they plan on staying. Let’s face it, we all have many belongings that we do not have the household space for- and, once they are out it’s tough to want them back in. Or, if you are planning to be away for a…

Hiring Movers For Your Next Business Relocation

Most often than not, a business relocation can signify the growth of the business. Your business might move in order to accommodate more employees, penetrate another target market, compete with bigger businesses or all of the above. A business relocation might mean good news but hiring movers for business might come off as a challenge. Your business…